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Immediate vacancies for Tutti Cornet and Tuned Percussion players

The Band has immediate vacancies for a Tutti Cornet player and a Tuned Percussionist.

Currently North of England 3rd Section Champions, the band will be promoted to the 2nd Section at the end of 2014.

Rehearsals are held weekly on Sunday evenings at Clowes Methodist Church in Hull, with extra rehearsals (usually Wednesdays) for contests. Approximately 15 good quality engagements are performed throughout the year.

Shared transport available from various parts of the region.

Applicants should be good quality players who are ambitious and fully committed.

Please apply in confidence to:-

  • Ian Scott – Email:, Mobile: 07930-165212,                           Phone: 01723-259176; or
  • Mike Kerridge – Email:, Mobile: 07989 470776.